With the use of a general VAT representative in The Netherlands, there is no need to incorporate a legally entity/company in the Netherlands.
Having a VAT rep is obliged in case your perform the following transactions in the Netherlands:
- For a non-EU company performing distance sales (sales to private individuals via a webshop)
- When trading in oil or excise goods
- When trading in bulk
How it works

We will take care of the registration process, apply for the VAT number and import license. The import license allows companies to import goods in the EU (via the Netherlands) without paying VAT upon import. We can also apply for other licenses like EORI, bulk licenses or non placebound warehouse licenses.

You will receive full guidance from your personal account manager. We will provide excel formats and memos about reporting requirements and VAT rules, invoice rules, reversed charge, how to upload data etc. This is part of the one-off fixed registration fee. Of course your account manager will answer all your NL VAT questions.

Once the VAT number is active and the licenses are active you need to upload your data to our portal. We review your transactions on a monthly basis, so you are always compliant. DVR will prepare the quarterly and monthly filings (VAT returns and ICP declaration).

After your approval the returns will be filed automatically through our secured portal.

We will also provide further instructions for payments or refunds directly from or to your foreign bank account.
Zero rate solution
With the use of DVR the company can get an import license.
The import license allows companies to import gods in the EU (via the Netherlands) without paying VAT upon import.
If the goods are sold B2B there will be no VAT due on the subsequent supply of the goods to the customer. This is the most profitable and safe solution for foreign companies to do business throughout Europe.
For more information please contact us.

- Dutch VAT registration
- Licenses (import, bulk, EORI)
- VAT number
- Compliance via digital portal

- No NL entity required
- No NL bank account required
- DVR arranges VAT registration
- DVR takes care of compliance

- No import VAT due
- No VAT on B2B sales
- No corporate income tax